...directed by ME in the Julianne Argyros Stage.
The Prince of Atlantisby Steven Druckman
Directed by Damaso Rodriguez
Monday, January 10 7:30pm
"Set in the Down the Lake section of Boston, where the jargon is all
their own, and so is the bombast, this tender — and funny — play is all
about family, loyalty and love. At its center is Joey Colletti, one of
the biggest seafood importers in the East, who got in a little trouble
with his company and landed in a minimum security prison. To add to his
woes, the son he never knew is anxious to meet him but isn't aware of
his current address. Joey expects his brother, Kevin, can put the kid
off for nine months until he gets out. But Kevin has a couple of
problems of his own."
Posted by Damaso Rodriguez. Posted In : Theatre